2011-09-22 09:01 來源:CPP114 責編:王岑
- 摘要:
- 無論是膠印、柯式或平印,無論你用的是8色全自動或是單色四開印刷機……
Printing Consultant Service
No matter you are using 8 colors fully auto or single color offset press, there are always something wrong or unprofessional in your production which could seriously affect your print quality & productivity, working environment and people management…As a result, we are now offering a professional printing consultant service for you. With our expert who has over 30 years experience in printing and also one of the very few people in the market obtaining an international recognition – “UGRA Certificated Expert – ProcessStandard Offset”, we will show and train you how to improve your print productivity & quality, efficiency and professional work flow…in offset.
If you have any enquiry for such consultant service as well as for any advanced value added printing system solution from screen printing, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Tel: +852 96088429 +86 15920762346 email: sales@dragonvalley.asia
At Dragon Valley, our commitment to your successful business
Printing Consultant Service
No matter you are using 8 colors fully auto or single color offset press, there are always something wrong or unprofessional in your production which could seriously affect your print quality & productivity, working environment and people management…As a result, we are now offering a professional printing consultant service for you. With our expert who has over 30 years experience in printing and also one of the very few people in the market obtaining an international recognition – “UGRA Certificated Expert – ProcessStandard Offset”, we will show and train you how to improve your print productivity & quality, efficiency and professional work flow…in offset.
If you have any enquiry for such consultant service as well as for any advanced value added printing system solution from screen printing, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Tel: +852 96088429 +86 15920762346 email: sales@dragonvalley.asia
At Dragon Valley, our commitment to your successful business
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