2011-04-06 00:00 來源:北人集團公司 責編:陳伊超
- 摘要:
- TSA系列自動高速三面切書機采用觸摸屏操作,一旦發生故障,能立刻報警并能自動提供排除故障的方法,自動化程度高,工作效率高;裁切高度高,裁切質量好;采用超硬合金鋼刀片耐用度好,無須經常研磨,降低了勞動強度,節省了輔助時間;機架整體鑄造,噪音低、使用壽命長。


TSA Automatic High-speed Three-Knife Trimmer
TSA-series Automatic High-speed Three-knife Trimmer with a user-friendly touch-screen provides simple and easy operation. If the system has an error, the error type and location are indicated for quick resolution. Books are trimmed in a pile. The pile is tightly registered prior to trimming, and registration is maintained during insertion and ejection. The cutting angle of the front knife nears the cutting angle of a guillotine, providing for a neater front edge trim. Super hard alloy blades are durable and no frequent grinding is required. The single cast iron frame promises long years of productivity and low noise.
The three-knife trimmer uses touch screen for simple and easy display, setup and adjustment.
The in-feed inlet is equipped with air holding system to reduce friction so as to effectively avoid cover nick.
Conjugate cam is used so as to ensure consistent actions.
TSA Automatic High-speed Three-Knife Trimmer
TSA-series Automatic High-speed Three-knife Trimmer with a user-friendly touch-screen provides simple and easy operation. If the system has an error, the error type and location are indicated for quick resolution. Books are trimmed in a pile. The pile is tightly registered prior to trimming, and registration is maintained during insertion and ejection. The cutting angle of the front knife nears the cutting angle of a guillotine, providing for a neater front edge trim. Super hard alloy blades are durable and no frequent grinding is required. The single cast iron frame promises long years of productivity and low noise.
The three-knife trimmer uses touch screen for simple and easy display, setup and adjustment.
The in-feed inlet is equipped with air holding system to reduce friction so as to effectively avoid cover nick.
Conjugate cam is used so as to ensure consistent actions.
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